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Articles on Foreclosure Homes For Sale from how to stop foreclosure information archive:
Get Free Foreclosure Advice In Minutes
Get your free on-line foreclosure refinance quote and foreclosure help in minutes. Explore your options and compare ways to prevent foreclosure... more...
12 Honest Insider Tips To Buying Foreclosures In Short Sales
Buyers are going to find some extraordinary garage-sale priced homes in this market as banks foreclose on some homes in the area, but long before the Trustee's Sale there will opportunities to buy homes through a process called the "short sale." What is a short sale? A short sale is the sale of a ...
Myths and Facts About Buying a Foreclosure in California
In the current real estate market, many buyers are interested in foreclosures, and with good reason. In my market area (greater Sacramento, California), foreclosures are often discounted by an average of about 20% from other homes. So it's no wonder that some 60% of all residential sales in recent ...
California Foreclosure and Actions
When you are considering California foreclosure and actions, it is important to remember that these homes are residences reclaimed by the banks due to the homeowner's inability to make payments. Foreclosures and actions make up bankruptcy, learning to buy foreclosed homes, looking for foreclosed ...
What Happens After the Foreclosure Sheriff Sale
A great number of homeowners are simply unable to stop foreclosure on their homes by the time of the sheriff sale of the property. When they are unable to find some way to postpone the foreclosure auction, state foreclosure law will take over to determine the next steps in the foreclosure process ...
Foreclosed Homes in Ann Arbor: Options to Consider to Avoid the Forclosure Auction
Forclosed homes in Ann Arbor are on the rise, even though Ann Arbor is still one of the economic hubs of Michigan. But the reality is that despite the University of Michigan, and all the companies doing business in Ann Arbor, the town is feeling the crunch of the state's overall bad economy. Pfizer ...
Foreclosed Homes: Legalized Theft!
It is the same thing that draws million of people to EBay on a daily basis. "It" is the allure of a great deal or easy money. And in this case, "it" is the process of purchasing a home out of foreclosure. And no matter what anyone tries to tell you, this process is not for "dummies". So how do you ...
The Current Mortgage Crisis and Short Sales
In the past two years I have focused my business on the listing and selling of distressed properties before they were to fall into foreclosure. Through my experiences I have found the following changes since the crumble of the mortgage market began. Approximately 2 years ago I started listing and ...
Oregon Foreclosures
Understanding Oregon Foreclosure Laws and the Basics of Oregon Foreclosure Investing Whenever the power of sale clause governs over the sale of foreclosed homes in Oregon, the deployment of non-Judicial Foreclosure provisions are also employed. The power of Sale refers to the provisions involved in ...
California Home Equity Sales Contract Act - A Mine Field for the Unprepared!
When I first got started in the real estate investing business in 2006, the avalanche of foreclosures was just beginning. Before attempting my first short sale here in Southern California, I discovered I needed to comply with Civil Code Section 1695 by using a very particular type of purchase and ...
Foreclosure Homes in Henderson, Nevada
Foreclosure homes in Henderson, Nevada are mostly settled through the non judicial approach. Rarely does the need for a judicial foreclosure arise. In cases where there has been deficiency judgment, or if the power of sale was not included, the foreclosure has to be carried out judicially. It could ...